
Diferença de “bring up”, “raise” e “educate” em Inglês

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To bring children up is to care for them until they are grown up: [To bring filhos up significa cuidar deles até que eles estejam crescidos:]

  • Mike walked out in ’85, and I had to bring up the girls on my own. [Mike foi embora em 1985 e tive que criar as garotas sozinha.]
  • I thought I’d brought my sons up to be polite. [Pensei que tinha criado meus filhos para serem educados]
  • I was brought up in the country. [Fui criado no país]
  • The children were all brought up as Protestant. [Todas as crianças foram criadas como protestantes.]

NOTA: Upbringing as distinct from education, trains children how to behave morally and socially, and teaches them particular attitudes, principles and beliefs: [“Upbringing” como distinto de “education”, ensina as crianças a como se comportar moral e socialmente e ensina-os atitudes em particular.]

  • I’d had a strict upbringing and was amazed at the stories these boys told. [Eu tive uma educação rígida e foi surpreendido com as histórias que desses meninos disseram.]

AmE uses raise rather than bring up [O inglês americano usa “raise” no lugar de “bring up”:]

  • He moved to California, where he settled and raised his family. [Ele se mudou para Califórnia, onde ele se estabeleceu e criou sua família]
  • I know all about that sort of things; I was raised on a farm. [Seu tudo sobre esse tipo de coisas; Fui criado numa fazenda]
  • Raised as Roman Catholic, he desapproves of divorce. [Criado como católico romano, ele desaprova o divorcio.]

People are educated when they are taught academic or school subjetcs: [As pessoas são “educated” quando eles são ensinadas academicamente ou assuntos escolares:]

  • Edith was born, brought up and educated on the Isle of Lewis. [Edith nasceu, criado e educado na ilha de Lewis.]
  • This teacher said he was impossible to educate and refused to teach him. [Este professor disse que ele era impossível se educar e se recusou a lhe ensinar.]

Fonte: Chambers English Grammar & Usage 112.
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