Como posso dizer “fazer pouco caso de...” em inglês? Essa expressão é usada no contexto de alguém que dá pouca importância à algo. Por exemplo:
Ele fez pouco caso de mim.
Na escola todos fazem pouco caso das minhas crenças.
A expressão que é comumente usada para expressa essa ideia em inglês é: TO MAKE LIGHT OF.
1. My friend made light of my efforts to learn how to speak and write Chinese.
2. I wish you wouldn’t make light of his problems. They’re quite serious.
3. I make light of my problems, and that makes me feel better.
4. You shouldn’t make light of other people’s fears.
5. I tried to make light of his fear, but the look on his face made that impossible.
6. I don’t mean to make light of the fact that this was a horrible crime.
Veja as seguintes definições em inglês:
Ele fez pouco caso de mim.
Na escola todos fazem pouco caso das minhas crenças.
A expressão que é comumente usada para expressa essa ideia em inglês é: TO MAKE LIGHT OF.
1. My friend made light of my efforts to learn how to speak and write Chinese.
2. I wish you wouldn’t make light of his problems. They’re quite serious.
3. I make light of my problems, and that makes me feel better.
4. You shouldn’t make light of other people’s fears.
5. I tried to make light of his fear, but the look on his face made that impossible.
6. I don’t mean to make light of the fact that this was a horrible crime.
Veja as seguintes definições em inglês:
1. To treat as of little importance, minimize (English Idiom Dictionary)
2. To act as if something is unimportant; laugh at, belittle (Essencial English Dictionary)
3. To regard without due seriousness; to joke or disregard inappropriately (Google Web Definition)