Como podemos dizer “meio-irmão” e “meia-irmã” em inglês? Usamos essas palavras para nomenclaturar alguém que nos é irmão ou irmã referente à apenas um dos genitores, quer pai, quer mãe, ou melhor dizendo, “a son of your stepparent by a former marriage” (Essensial English Dictionary) ou “a brother who has either the same mother or the same father as you” (Macmillan). As palavras que podemos usar são “half-brother”, ou “stepbrother”, “half-sister”, ou “stepsister”. Vejamos as duas formas em uso exemplificado:
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Ex.: Half-brothers and half-sisters have the same mother or the same father. aunt Caroline's and Uncle Jim's children are half-brothers and half-sisters to the other children.
Ex.: I was just saying that I feel that Mindy could be a little closer to my stepbrother,Phil.
Ex.: The first stepsister tried very hard to make the little glass slipper fit, as did the second stepsister.
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