
Inglês – Phrasal Verbs (Comunicação)

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Na presente postagem, nós iremos analisar alguns PHRASAL VERBS relacionados com a comunicação em inglês. Ou seja, alguns phrasal verbs que são usados pelos nativos da língua inglesa no que diz respeito à comunicação.

Normalmente, esses phrasal verbs estão relacionados com a FORMA de alguém falar algo, e outras particularidade da comunicação, do tipo, interromper, falar rápido, etc.

1. To go on
Definition: to continue to talk about a subject after the interest of the listener has been exhausted. (Definição: Continuar a falar sobre um assunto, após o interesse do ouvinte tenha sido esgotada.)

2. To harp on
inf. to repeatedly talk about a certain subject. (Inf.: Falar repetidamente sobre um mesmo assunto.)

3. To ramble on
Definition: To talk for a long time about something which is not very interesting to the other people in the conversation. (Falar por muito tempo sobre algo que não é muito interessante para as outras pessoas na conversa)

4. To rattle off
To say a list or impressive number of facts very quickly. (Dizer uma lista de fatos muito rápido)

5. To reel off inf.
Tem o mesmo sentido do acima.

6. To whip off inf. (American)
Tem o mesmo sentido do acima.

7. To butt in
To rudely enter another conversation. (Entrar rudimente em uma outra conversa)

8. To chip in
To add a specific point to a conversation. (Acrescentar um ponto específico a uma conversa.)

9. To blurt out
To say something suddenly, usually without thinking. (Dizer algo de repente, sem pensar)

10. To come out with
To say something suddenly. (Dizer algo de repente.)

11. To come up with
To add a new idea to a conversation. (Acrescentar uma nova ideia a uma conversa)

12. To go along with
To agree with someone else. (Concordar com alguém mais)

13. To shut up
To stop talking, often used as an imperative (very rude.) (Para de falar, normalmente usado com imperativo)

14. To break off
To suddenly stop speaking. (Para de falar rapidamente)

15. To clam up
To refuse to speak or become silent during a conversation. (Se recusar a falar ou ficar calado durante uma conversa.)

16. To dry up
To run out of ideas of interesting comments, finish speaking because you don't know what to say next or have forgotten what you would like to say. (Acabar as ideias interessantes, parar de falar porque você não sabe o que dizer agora, ou esqueceu o que gostaria de dizer.)

17. To talk at
To talk to someone without listening to what they have to say. (Conversar com alguém sem escultar o que eles têm para dizer.)

18. To talk down on
To talk as if someone were inferior. (Falar com se alguém fosse inferior.)

19. To go off
To speak angrily about something. (Falar iradamente sobre algo)

20. To put down
To criticize someone or something. (Criticar alguém ou algo)

Last week I went to visit my friend Fred. Fred is a great guy but at times he can really go on about things. We were speaking about some of our friends and he came out with this incredible story about Jane. It seems she had butted in while he was harping on his favorite complaint: Service in restaurants. Apparently, he had been running on for quite a while putting down almost every restaurant he had been to by rattling off a list of his visits to different restaurants in town. I guess Jane felt that he was talking at her and was fed up with it. She went off about what a rude person he was which shut him up pretty quickly! I thought about blurting out that maybe she was right, but decided to clam up in order to not upset him.

Como pode ser visto nessa aula, dominar o idioma é algo que leva tempo, pois sempre existe algo para aprender. Talvez se fôssemos tentar ler esse texto acima sem conhecimento desses phrasal verbs, teríamos grande dificuldade de get the meaning (= pegar o significado) das frases.

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