
FINISH — Uso e Significado em Inglês

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Hoje vamos estudar o significado e uso do verbo “finish”.

Primeiro, “finish” tem basicamente o mesmo sentido de seu phrasal verb “finish off”, sendo a preposição “off” apenas uma intensificador do sentido verbal de “finish”. Assim, estes significar concluir a parte final de algo de modo que o mesmo se encontrará completo.

  • I’ve nearly finished my work.
  • I wish you’d let me finish my sentence!
  • They hired a smaller company to finish off the job.
  • I just need to finish off a few things first.

Quando usamos “finish” no sentido de “terminar de fazer alguma coisa”, nós dizemos “finish doing something”, ou seja, usamos infinitivo sem TO depois de “finish”.

  • She had just finished dressing the children when the phone rang.

“Finish” também é usado no sentido de “parar de ocorrer”.

  • All classes finish at noon today.
  • The game finished with the score tied.

Os phrasal verbs “finish off” e “finish up” significam basicamente a mesma coisa, “to eat, drink, or use all of something so that there is none left”

  • We finished a bottle of wine between us.
  • Do you want to finish off these sandwiches?
  • Finish up your drinks, please.

“Finish” também é usado para se referir a posição de uma pessoa em uma corrida ou competição.

  • She finished fifth.

Usamos também as expressão “toques finais” com “the finishing touch/touches”

Em linguagem informal, nós temos:

1. [transitive] INFORMAL to kill someone:
Ex.: It was the drink that really finished him off.

2. [transitive] INFORMAL to make someone feel extremely tired:

Ex.: That walk around the lake just about finished me off!

3. [intransitive] to be in a particular place or situation at the end of a long series of events:

Ex.: She eventually finished up in Boston.
Ex.: I always finish up doing most of the work.

Syn.: to end up

4. Finish with something if you are finished with something, you have stopped using it and no longer need it:

Ex.: When you’re finished with the sponge, simply rinse it in cold water.

5. To finish with someone INFORMAL is to end a relationship with someone so that they are no longer your boyfriend or girlfriend [The Macmillan English Dictionary, © 2006 MacMillan Publishers Limited]
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