
O que significa “flinch” — Inglês Intermediário

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Muitas das palavras que eu tiro para comentar aqui no Aulas de Inglês Grátis vem de livros que eu leio, matérias na internet e coisas assim.

Atualmente estou lendo New Moon da saga Twilight. Todos gostam da leitura pela maneira detalhada com que a escritora fala das cenas.

Uma palavra muito comum que se encontra no livro é “flinch”. Sabe o que significa “flinch”?

O dicionário de Michaelis define:

1 recuo, desistência, vacilação, hesitação, perplexidade. 2 espécie de jogo de cartas. vi recuar, retroceder, ceder terreno, retrair-se, hesitar, vacilar, desistir de, desviar-se, esquivar-se, fugir (de algum trabalho, perigo, compromisso, etc.), encolher-se, sobressaltar-se.

O dicionário de MaMillan diz:

To make a sudden small movement because you are afraid, surprised, or in pain:

Ex.: Pamela flinched each time he yelled at her.

To flinch from (doing) something: [usually in negatives] to avoid dealing with a difficult responsibility or decision:

Ex.: We won’t flinch from making tough decisions.

Vejamos mais aguns exemplos com “flinch”:

• He did not flinch from his duty.
• Jones didn’t flinch once when the nurse cleaned the cut in his leg.
• She couldn’t deal him a social blow - there was no question about this and he didn’t flinch.
• She didn’t flinch once when the doctor was cleaning the wound.
• The sight, bloody and black, made Bigger flinch involuntarily and lift his hands to his eyes and at the same instant he saw blinding flashes of the silver bulbs flicking through the air.
• We will never flinch from difficulties.
• What a tribute to his ability not to flinch in the face of storm and stress!
• You mustn’t flinch from a difficulty.
• But I know that even so you would not ask us to flinch from doing our duty.

É isso pessoal... anotem essa new word and use it as soon as possible.
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