
HORSE [Cavalo] — Collocations

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Hoje vamos aprender mais collocations com a palavra “cavalo” [horse]. Para os que são novos nessa modalidade de aprendizado do inglês, os collocations são as palavras que normalmente vêm juntas com outras. No caso em questão, vamos analisar quais palavras normalmente vem acompanhadas com a palavra “horse”.

To breed: criar. Ex.: I heard she is breeding a horse.
To get ready: aprontar Ex.: Get my horse ready and wait for me.
To saddle: selar. Ex.: Before riding a horse, you need to saddle it.
To be mounted on: estar montado no. Ex.: She was mounted on a horse when I took this pic.
To mount: montar. Ex.: She doesn’t have the guts to mount a horse.
To ride: andar. Ex.: He loves riding a horse.
To lead: conduzir, guiar. Ex.: After learning how to mount a horse, you will need to lead it.
To brush down: pentear. Ex.: You’ve got to brush your horse down in order to take part in the competition.
To groom: tratar. Ex.: I’ve been grooming horses for years.
To shoe: ferrar. Ex.: If you’re going to ride your horse for long distances you should shoe it.
To stable: colocar no estábulo. Ex.: After riding your horse you must stable it.
To handle: cuidar. Ex.: She has a knack for handling horses.
To ill-treat: mal-tratar. Ex.: He was put in jail for having ill-treated his horse.
To frighten: amedrontar. Ex.: If you want to mount a horse never frighten it.
To hobble: mancar. Ex.: My horse was injured and now it is hobbling.
To tether: amarrar. Ex.: If you don’t tether your horse it’ll escape.
To canter: andar a maio-galope. Ex.: When the horse is tired it just canters.
To gallop: galopar. Ex.: I love galloping on my horse.
To trot: trotar. Ex.: Several horses trotted past us.
To run: correr. Ex.: There are ten horses running in the next race.
To plod: andar pesadamente. Ex.: The weary horse plodded up the hill.
To neigh: relichar. Ex.: Horses neigh. [outra palavra é whinny]
To snort: bufar. Ex.: She was terrified when the horse snorted at her.
To rear (up): criar. Ex.: I’m rearing a horse.
To fall from: cair dor. Ex.: She’s afraid of falling from the horse.
To stumble: tropeçar. Ex.: The horse stumbled and threw its rider.
To throw: jogar. Ex.: The horse got mad and threw me.
To pull: puxar. Ex.: They passed an old horse pulling a cart full of apples.
To prick up its ears: levantar as orelhas. Ex.: When I speak the horse recognizes my voice and pricks up its ears.

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