
Pronomes Pessoais — Inglês Básico

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1 Subject and object pronouns: [Sujeito e pronomes objetivos]

Subject pronouns: [Pronomes pessoais]

I - you - he - she - it - we - you - they

Object pronouns: [Pronomes objetivos]

me - you - him - her - it - us - you - them

• The subject is the person or thing doing the action: [O sujeito é a pessoa ou coisa que faz a ação]

I left early. [Eu saiu cedo]
She went home. [Ela foi para casa]
We said goodbye. [Nós nos despedimos]

• The object is the person or thing receiving the action: [O objetivo é a pessoa ou coisa que recebe a ação:]

She telephoned me. [Ela ME telefonou]
I hit him. [Eu bati NELE]
We saw her. [Nós A vimos]

Practice [Pratique]

Write the correct pronouns for these sentences. [Escreva os pronomes corretos para as sentenças.]

1 (She) telephoned yesterday, (she)
2 We watched (him) for hours, (he)
3 Hasn't ________ arrived yet? (she)
4 ______ don't understand. (I)
5 Are you talking to ______ ? (I)
6 Don't ask _____ doesn't know, (she/she)
7 This is Julia ______: have known _______ for years, (we/she)
8 Nobody told _____ the bus was leaving, (they)
9 Why didn't _______ ask _______ to come? (she/they)
10 Don't ask ______ Ask _____ (I/he)
11 _____ think _____ doesn't like _______ . (I/she/he)
12 _____ asked ______ to invite ______ (they/he/we)
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