
O que significa “aloof”? — Inglês Intermediário

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O que vem a ser “aloof”? De acordo com o dicionário de Michaelis, aloof significa: “indiferente, desinteressado, reservado, afastado. (adv) à distância, na distância, de longe. keep aloof! deixe-me em paz! to hold, to stand aloof manter-se à distância, manter-se neutro.”

O dicionário de MacMillan define:

Someone who is aloof, or who remains or stays aloof from something, is not friendly or does not want to be involved in something.

Considerando-o dentro do Collocations, podemos dizer que uma pessoa “é indiferente” [to be aloof] “parecer indiferente” [look ou seem aloof] “acha alguém indiferente” [find somebody aloof]. Podemos “nos manter indiferente” [keep/hold yourself aloof]

Alguns sinônimos são: apart, away, cool, distant, remote, reserved, standoffish, unsociable.

• “Mrs. Mueller?” he asked, smiling down at her with kind, aloof blue eyes.
• America had stood aloof.
• As a child, she was as proud and shadowy as a tiger, and as aloof.
• Buyers are holding aloof.
• Chinese leaders were aloof, self-assured, composed.
• Clara sat leaning on the table, holding aloof.
• Elizabeth remained aloof from the other students.
• He had held himself aloof even from his friends.
• He had held himself aloof from his friends. even.
• He had seemed before a little aloof.
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