
Skip out (Sair) — Phrasal Verbs

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Hoje eu separei o phrasal verb SKIP OUT para ampliar nosso vocabulário. Esse phrasal verb foi encontrado no seguinte texto:

That night, Sam and Emily joined Charlie and me for dessert at Billy’s house. Emily brought a cake that would have won over a harder man than Charlie. I could see, as the conversation flowed naturally through a range of casual subjects, that any worries Charlie might have harbored about gangs in La Push were being dissolved.

Jake and I skipped out early, to get some privacy. We went out to his garage and sat in the Rabbit. Jacob leaned his head back, his face drawn with exhaustion. (New Moon, chapter XV, pg. 343)

O personagem Jacob às vezes é chamado de Jake pela protagonista Bella. Bom, o Bella disse ao relatar que ela e jake “skipped out”?

O Dicionário de Phrasal Verb de Longman diz:

AmE to leave a place suddenly, especially when you are trying to avoid something.

Assim, o sentido é que Jake and I skipped out [saíram] early. A próxima fraseologia da sentença seguinte é usada como um paralelismo de significado, como também ocorre em hebraico poético, quando lemos “We went out to his garage”, usando “went out” no sentido similar de “skip out”.
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