
Como se diz “fazer a matrícula” em inglês?

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Como se diz em inglês “fazer a matrícula”? Embora em português usamos nessa extensão, em inglês usamos apenas um verbo, a saber, TO ENROL. Ele é usado nesse mesmo sentido que usamos em português, no contexto de escola, curso, etc... Vejamos alguns exemplos que podem nos auxiliar na compreensão do mesmo.

Ex.: In September we enrol in school.
Ex.: They decided to enrol him as a member of the society.
Ex.: Where can I register (i.e enrol as a student) for the Arabic course?
Ex.: Enrol in evening classes
Ex.: Having regard to their specific training needs, schools may enrol teachers in training courses using the cash grants provided.
Ex.: I am going to enrol at the university of vienna.
Ex.: I understand that at present, the top 10 per cent of our students are allowed to enrol in Special Assistance Plan Schools and take up their mother tongue at an advanced level.
Ex.: Sceptics may question whether the School of Chinese Studies could enrol enough students.
Ex.: Schools may enrol teachers in training courses commissioned by the Education Department or arrange their own school-based training using cash grants provided.
Ex.: Since April 1, 1998, the board has allowed some flexibility for training bodies to enrol retrainees who are under 30 years of age but have encountered difficulties in securing employment.

Obs: Existe também acrescentando mais um “l”, enroll.

Fonte: Como dizer tudo em inglês de Ron Martinez.
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