Já viu ou ouviu o phrasal verb “sink back”? Durante a leitura de New Moon, eu encontrei esse phrasal verb que foi usado quando Bella descreve seu estado emocional, enquanto procura algo para ocupar sua mente. O trecho do livro diz:
“I don’t mind staying," I said. I still hadn’t been able to sink back into my protective shell of numbness, and everything seemed oddly close and loud today, like I’d taken cotton out of my ears. I tried to tune out the laughing hikers without success.” (New Moon, chapter V, pg. 121)
Vejamos seu uso e significado de acordo com os dicionários especializados. O Phrasal Verb Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs de Longman comenta:
1. To sit or lie backwards in a more comfortable, relaxing position than you were before.
2. To return to a state that you were in before, or to return to habit that you used to have.
O Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs de Chambers diz:
1. You sink back when you lie or site backwards into a more comfortable position.
2. You sink back when you let your body fall or slide into a lower position.
O McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs acrescenta:
To lean back and relax in something, such as a soft chair.
Ex.: I can’t wait to get home and sink back into my easy chair.
Ex.: He sank back and went to sleep almost immediately.
Espero ter ajudado a ampliar seu vocabulário dos phrasal verbs. Até a próxima!